Paper writing sentences distill

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  • X apps belong to the most A-B and C-D app category.

  • Qs often misconceive that A Bs provide Xs and an Y, by assuming all Zs are done between A Bs and C Ds Ely (e.g., over HTTPS).

  • Unfortunately, this assumption does not always hold.

  • To understand the Xs exhibited in A Bs and help to improve the C of these Ds, several studies have been done manually on a E-F A Bs [30, 61, 63, 64].

Good summery for DNN: A DNN consists of a set of layers. Each layercontains a set of nodes collecting inputs from the previous layer and feeding output to nodes in the next layer via a set of weighted edges. These weights are adjusted using examples, called training data, and set to values that minimize the difference between actual outputs of the DNN and expected outputs measured using an objective function called loss function.